
Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path.
Psalm 37:34

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Rainbow Prisms - An Answer to Prayer

Four rainbow prisms can be seen on the blank screen of my TV. Significant? Definitely.

For a while, now, I've neglected my time with God. Why, I'm not certain. Anger? Sadness? Total Uncertainty? Fear? A bit of each, I think, however, I believe the greatest reason is that no matter how hard I, and others pray and plead, I haven't been able to feel His presence. It's as if He has turned a deaf ear to all the begging and praying. I've pleaded to feel that supernatural "warmth and peace" that I've heard so many describe. I long to hear His voice speaking total peace over me. It hasn't happened - and may never happen.

Today, His answer came. Not in an audible voice or in total peace that passes understanding. It was a realization. He alone is God and He alone chooses how to show His presence. It's up to me to be on the lookout and recognize His presence. I now understand that He has chosen to show Himself to me in so many different ways:

* Sunrise and sunsets over a beautiful beach with my Love.
* Rainbows everywhere we look - even a full circle rainbow seen from high above.
* A 4th grade class full of pure hearts sending prayers, scriptures and love with #teallove.
* A bracelet engraved with Be Still and Know That I Am God from a precious group of Sisters sent to remind me of love and prayers.
* Cards from the ladies group at Juno sending love.
* Cards and texts from long distance friends, reminding me that their prayers are being sent over us.
* Family visits full of laughter - being able to hug and say I Love You over and over.
* Teal hair, teal fingers, teal toes, teal ribbons #teallove
* Sweet hugs and tears from doctors and nurses.
* Offers to help in any way needed.
* Flowers beginning to bloom.
* Trees beginning to come back to life, sprouting green and pink buds.
* Birds that stop to eat from the feeder hanging on the tree outside my window.
* The gentle and sometimes not so gentle spring breezes.
* The sunshine warming winters frost.
* Even rainbow prisms on my TV screen.

How have I failed to notice the millions of ways He chooses to show Himself to me?  His presence literally surrounds me.
I must remind myself to look for and see the ways He bring heaven here. The ways the veil is thin enough to give us a glimpse of His glory.
May my heart be tuned with His so that I never miss Him again.
