
Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path.
Psalm 37:34

Sunday, March 19, 2017

This World is Not My Home....Passing the Blog Baton

When I read Hebrews 9:27 and see that it is appointed for man to die...I think..I can comprehend that. The truth is, that it feels so far into the future and it is so non-specific, it is easy to acknowledge and ignore.

When my Doctor and Nurse both agree they feel I have a certain number of days remaining, it becomes much more specific, yet no easier to comprehend. I would think that being this close, I would be able to wrap my head around it, but I cannot.

We live our lives "knowing" way in the back of our minds, that, unless Jesus returns first, we will all die. However, until you are given an actual timeline, it rarely feels real. Heck, even when you are given the timeline, it still doesn't feel quite real. 
I have no way of truly grasping this concept. One moment I think I have peace and understanding and in the blink of an eye, that all shatters and I am left staring down at the broken shards, wondering what to do.

What I truly want, as I see this life and realm fading, is for the heavenly realms to open and reveal themselves - giving me a glimpse of what awaits me. I can only imagine what that would be like, but, faith doesn't ask me to believe in what I see, faith asks me to believe in the unseen promises.

Jay and I discussed pain levels a few days ago while talking about pain medications. We realized that I have not had a pain free day in over 20 years. I cannot even fathom what no pain feels like - it is truly all I know.

I thought about the dramatic difference I would feel once I reach heaven - no pain, no sorrow, no fear - all GONE, thanks to JESUS!

I have decided to start thanking and praising Him now for the mercies He will give me when I meet Him.  20 years of pain traded for an eternity of perfection - the least I can do is be thankful and praise Him.

This will most likely be my last blog. My swollen body is beginning to ebb. I find myself sleeping more and more. I have a hard time focusing on even small tasks. Even writing this, I have dozed off a couple of times. 

I want to thank each of you for reading our story and for responding with such love and compassion. Jay and I are forever grateful for each of you.

Jay has agreed to take over the blog for me. He is an incredibly gifted writer and will faithfully keep you all posted as our story and journey continue to unfold.

May God bless and keep each one of you in His strong arms of love always.



  1. Please know that your blogs are truly an inspiration to me. Your faith is inconceivable. Please know that you have made a difference in the lives of so many. Peace for you dear sister in Christ!

  2. Love you aunt mandy ill come see you soon if thats alright.

  3. We Love You Mandy! My heart is with you sister! Prayers for comfort peace and so much love to help you through. Not sure I will get there in time, but our reunion will be grand and the hug amazing! Save some seats for us okay! :,)

    1. Jay you are being prayed for and loved just as much. May you hold her hand and feel her love and everyone else's through this. DeAnna

  4. True love, faith, gratefulness and strength is your enduring gift to us all. Thank you Mandy and Jay for being true leaders.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. our prayers are with you

  7. God Bless You Mandy! All our love goes out to you! May your next journey take you to the loving arms of the Creator, to be with him in peace and joy. <3
    Your loving friends, Darlene and Rudy

  8. Thank you for taking the time to write these blogs. You have blessed us all with your thoughts and insights. In my case, you have also caused me to look inside myself and question where I am with my own relationship with God and where it needs to be. Years from now I'm sure something will come up and i will be reminded of you. Thank you for the opportunity to be your friend and co-workerand know that you have touched others in ways you may not know you have. God bless you both. Steve Hester

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I love you, my friend. And we will keep loving Jay for you, praying that as you walk into a new lifetime without pain, his heart will also find healing from the pain of your absence. I'm going to miss you...xoxox

  11. Mandy, what an inspiration you are! I pray that as each day passes and you grow closer to the reach of our Father that you will know how much you are loved and that it will ease the pain of separation of this earthly life. You have been so brave to share your story along the way. Heavenly Father, I pray for Mandy, Jay, family and friends, peace, faith, peace, comfort, peace, anticipation for our eternal reunion, love, and peace during this transition from death to life. Thank you for your precious girl Mandy and how faithfully she let you use her life to glorify you. May we learn from her faith in you to live a life that pleases you. Thank you Jesus for walking ahead of Mandy through this door of obedience to our Father. It's because of your sacrifice that we can have peace that is beyond our understanding. It's in your precious name I pray. Amen. I love you Mandy and will never forget you.

  12. Mandy you have been an inspiration to me. Love you and think about you and jay every day. Love and prayers to you both

  13. What a beautiful wonderful friend and sister you are. I love you and Jay so much and ask God wrap His arms around you. Love you my dear friend......

  14. Mandy I pray for your comfort and peace daily. Our children pray for you too! I came across a picture of Tom and I the other day, it was at your beautiful wedding. When I pray for you, that is how I picture you. Such beauty outside and within. Love you girl.

  15. YOU, Mandy, are an amazng person, a beautiful writer, and a very loved child of His. I have read each of your blogs and each has touched my heart so profoundly. You are a blessing to me! Love and prayers to you,Jay,and your family and friends. Cheryl Hughes (Melanie Atchison's mom)

  16. Thank you for sharing of your self. I have felt blessed to be allowed a glimpse into your journey.

  17. You and Jay are iny thoughts and prayers daily. Love you guys.
