
Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path.
Psalm 37:34

Monday, November 27, 2017

Christmas Love

Lately & shamefully, I have been kvetching my limitations.

The edema-the build up of fluid - has returned. This means, I’m pretty much bed bound. I can walk/stand about 5 minutes before the pain & shortness of breath overtake me. The fluid is slightly building in my lower lungs, so any activity leaves me gasping for air.

In my 23 years of being married, this is the first time I haven’t decorated for Christmas. Christmas has always been a big deal in my home. Growing up, cutting down the tree & decorating was a fun family affair. Andy Williams, Perry Como, Bing Crosby & the like wafted from our stereo on a daily basis.
When I had my own home, my decorating grew exponentially each year, until finally, no corner of my home was safe.

Jay was the Christmas Sherpa- hauling boxes & totes in & out of the attic & garage for a solid week while I fluffed garlands, wrapped trees with lights, arranged & rearranged mantles & tables. Excessive? Probably. But I adored it.

Last year, I was a couple of months into hospice during the holidays. Carolyne was here & helped me decorate. This year I was lamenting not being able to do any decorating much less my usual level.
My Jay, however, had other plans. On Friday he decorated the large storage building that is in my view when I look out my window. He then put up & decorated a beautiful tree for the bedroom & even hung the stockings. It’s perfect!

Not many men would recognize their wife’s love of Christmas & spend the time to make her smile/happy cry. That’s the kind of man I married. He figures out what will make me smile & focuses his attention on that. The fact that he worked all week, pulled Thanksgiving together & really just wants to veg out in front of a game doesn’t matter. This will make his bride happy so this needs to be done.

Sacrificial love. We are all called to practice it, yet few actually can or do. While the world teaches us to look out for #1, Jesus teaches us to have a servants heart & think of others more highly than you do of yourself. This is what Jesus calls us all to do- Love God & Love People.
Sacrificial Love- may we all have the opportunity to serve someone in this way this week.



  1. Love and prayers!!! Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. A beautiful reminder at this wonderful time of year! It's always been my favorite time of year as well. Love Christmas. Love my Lord. Love you and Jay!

  3. The embrace of Jesus is so strong, His love is so great, His arms around us so gentle while His life ebbs into us. He says if He is in us, we are in Him. His blood flows through our veins, and we are victorious through Him. Mandy, you continually show the strength of God. May His peace and strength continually flow within and without of you. You Bless all whom you come in contact with, and your husband is an exceptional man, others should take lessons from him. Christmas is a day to celebrate, it is the day our King was born.

  4. I eagerly look forward to every blog post you put up. I think of you often. What a blessing to have such a sweet and caring husband.
