
Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path.
Psalm 37:34

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Learning to Wait

It's official, we are Coloradoans...Coloradoians...Coloradoites...anyway- we are now in Fort Collins. Once we accepted the job, we made our way back to Flagstaff, loaded our moving van, and headed to Colorado.
As we were leaving Arizona I had a very sad moment. I thought, "we just got back home after so many years & now we have to say goodbye again". Then I heard it- the still small voice. I am always in awe when I hear God speaking to me & I know for certain...way down deep in my guts that it IS HIM... He simply said "I have a plan for you two. It's a good plan & if you wait, you will see it too."
(I'm very impatient & He knows this. He has to tell me to wait ALOT!) But just knowing this gave me a great sense of peace as we set out on a new journey.
Our move was delightfully uneventful. When we arrived on Monday, our apartment was ready and 3 young guys with giant muscles lugged our stuff up to the 2nd floor while Jay supervised & I pointed to the rooms the boxes needed to go. It truly was the easiest move we have ever made.
Jay began his new job on Friday. His day was spent filling out new hire paperwork & meeting his new co-workers. He really likes the group of people he will be working with & is excited about the programs being assigned to him. I'm so thankful that he is in a professional environment and will not be facing the exhausting schedule that supervising a logging operation required.
We are looking forward to exploring the area & finding new camping places in the Rockies.
Tomorrow we will begin visiting area churches in the search for a new church home/community. For me, this is so daunting. How do we know which church is the right one? We visited so many churches when we moved to Flagstaff, but none held a candle to our Skyline Church. The process is made more frustrating due to cancer. Because we travel to Chicago every few months & my treatment schedule often doesn't allow me to jump into joining new groups or commit to long term projects, I find myself hanging back & not putting myself out there. I so often long for normalcy. I want to be one of those people who can make 2 year, 3 year, even 5 year plans & not give a moments thought to whether or not they will be around to fulfill those plans. I have to remind myself that my path is simply different.
My path was chosen for me by a God who was, who is and who is to come. My idea of "normal" is not what he designed for me. I must learn to embrace this path & know that He will supply whatever grace, mercy, & courage I will need to walk it. I pray for Him to lead us to a church where we can serve, worship & glorify Him. I pray that I will patiently wait on Him to reveal the plans He has for us.



  1. Glad your move went well. We miss you and look forward to seeing you again. Please remember we are only a phone call away and we will be happy to help if you ever need us to. Enjoy this new chapter in your life.

    1. Thank you Mistie! We miss you guys & look forward to coming back to visit 😊

  2. Mandy, we still miss you both here in Jackson. I hope things work out great for you there in Ft. Collins. My nephew and his wife lived there and loved every minute of it. Ricky Long

  3. Ricky, we miss you all so much! We have heard so many great things about Fort Collins & are excited about the new possibilities!

  4. So excited for you and Jay that you've made it to this new chapter on your journey! Colorado is such a beautiful place... one of the best in God's creation. I love your attitude, and I love you! Wishing you, as always, the very best!! Miss you guys a bunch...

  5. Thank you, Chris. Love & miss you!!!💚

  6. Glad to hear your move went smoothly. Will be praying that you find a church family that you can worship our Father with and feel at home. Love you bunches - I think of you and pray for you EVERY DAY!!!!! XOXOX Lanners

  7. I love you Lanners!!! Thank you sweet friend! 💚💚💚
