
Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path.
Psalm 37:34

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ugly Toes & Hairy Legs

While talking with my sweet hospice nurse a couple of weeks ago, she asked me how I was coping with self-care: showering, dressing, etc. I told her that I was doing well. Showering in a chair was quite an adjustment, but I finally figured out a workable system. I told her that shaving my legs was the trickiest aspect to figure out.

Jay, in all his "dude-wisdom", piped in and said, "Hey! Cold weather is here - 90% of the women in Flagstaff will be sporting hairy legs for the next few months. You'll fit in perfectly!"

You have to understand, that we live in a bit of a hippy, granola mountain town. And Jay's right - for the next few months, we will be seeing quite a lot of fur-bearing mammals walking the streets of our town. This girl, however, will not be one of them.

I looked at Jay and my nurse and said, "Promise me one thing.....make sure my toes stay painted and my legs stay shaved! 

I'm not asking a lot here!!


You will not let me meet Jesus with ugly toes and hairy legs!!!



  1. You are too funny girlfriend! I love you so much! A girl after my own heart.

  2. You are too funny girlfriend! I love you so much! A girl after my own heart.

  3. I wish you would learn some humor and sarcasm. LOL ;) Love you!!!

  4. Love your sense of humor! Hugs and prayers!

  5. Hi Mandy, I'm one of your moms artist friends and I can't really tell you how I got connected to your site but I'm guessing through her. I just have to tell you that you've touched me in so many ways with your beautiful and wise words and stories. On my own I couldn't even imagine how it would feel to go through what you're going through but now in reading your words I get a glimpse. You are so strong and so wise and I just wanted to thank you for sharing with us. I'm sure it's healing in your heart to be able to open up in the way you have but you've blessed me and I just want you to know that. I'm praying for you every day and asking God to give you comfort and find joy in every moment you can. May God bless you and know that there are people out there that care and are praying for you and your family.
