
Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path.
Psalm 37:34

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

These Days

These days-an entire Saturday spent cleaning and doing laundry, has been replaced by clean a little when you can and toss a load of laundry in when you remember...

These days-hours spent cooking and baking, have been replaced by whatever can be made in 30 minutes or less...

These days-long evening walks have been replaced by needing oxygen after a short walk around the block...

These days-long days at work have been replaced by long days on the couch reading books and watching TV...

These days-snuggling in bed with My Heart, has been replaced by 'I Love You' signed to each other from separate beds...

These days-long ER visits have been replaced by a hospice nurse who greets us with smiles, hugs and treats for our sweet fur babies...

These days-endless to-do lists have been replaced with quiet, reflective time. Time to read multiple devotional books and bible studies. Time to spend quietly in the Presence of God...

These days-boundless energy has been replaced with watching the birds swarm the feeders in the backyard; practicing meditation; and talking with Jesus while swinging in my hammock...

These days-dinners and evenings out with friends have been replaced by the most precious visits from friends far and near. A time to truly be together-laughing, crying, sharing our hearts and souls...

These days-taking things for granted has been replaced by seeing life and the world through fresh eyes. Eyes that appreciate beautiful fall weather. Eyes that enjoy watching a fluffy squirrel work to store away his winter food stash...

These days-the question of 'Why Me?', has been replaced with one, solid affirmation: 'I love you with an everlasting LOVE.'...

These days-anxiety over treatments, scans and scary snorts have been replaced with peace in 'just being'; just knowing that God has the timing of our lives in His complete control...

These days-tears of frustration and fear have been replaced by tears of love and gratitude (and some sadness) for my loves who surround me with their prayers, love and hearts - knowing that each and every tear has been seen and captured in His bottle - the One who cries right along with us...

These days-fear of dying has been replaced by a hopeful expectation of a place more beautiful, peaceful and joyful than my heart can fathom. Knowing that when I reach the other side, the first face I will see is that of Jesus, fills my heart with unspeakable love and joy...

These days, I live in gratitude that I've been given the gift of learning the meaning of TRUE LIFE...The joys of simplicity; slowing down and truly getting to know the hearts of those you love; spending peaceful, quiet moments with the One who makes each moment possible...



  1. Hi Amanda, I don't know you personally but I have taken art classes from your Mom. I have been following your journey through your blog and wanted to tell you how you have touched so many people with your inspirational words. You have taught me to savour every day and to have courage no matter what life has in store fore us. Thank you. Wishing you peace and love.

    1. Thank you so very much! Much love to you! ❤️

  2. God has blessed you, and those around you with his love, and I thank you for your inspirational writings.
    Darlene Ryer

  3. Beautiful words!!! Prayers for you!

  4. So beautiful! Thank you for sharing your journey it encourages me so much. God bless you

  5. These days, and all the days leading to today and those following, you are truly beautiful! Love you!

  6. Encouraging and inspiring. Thank you!
