
Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path.
Psalm 37:34

Thursday, February 9, 2017


I have been honored to know and love this remarkable man for 22+ of his 46 years. Here are a few things you should know about Jay:

                                              Rocky Mountain National Park

My boy is wicked smart! He loves to read and is constantly absorbing and learning new things. He adores God's word and is especially fascinated with the Jewish life and nature of Jesus.

When Jay loves someone - it is forever and always. He loves deeply and completely. He is fiercely protective of those he loves.

Jay is a naturally gifted athlete. He picks up sports ridiculously easy (so easy it borders on annoying for those of us not athletically gifted). He loves baseball, basketball, skiing and swimming. When not playing sports, he loves to watch sports...all sports. He has an amazing knowledge of most sport - I've told him he should have been a sports announcer.

Jay is happiest when outdoors. From the time he was a toddler, he just wanted to spend his days outside exploring. Camping and hiking are his two favorite ways to spend time. The man is part mountain goat - he can out-walk and out-hike most people half his age.

                                                         Smoky Mountains

Jay loves music - all types. I have never seen a more eclectic compilation on I Tunes before. Music speaks to him in a way few other things can. It calms him, centers him and focuses him. He can remember song lyrics from the most random and obscure songs. I've always said, if I want him to remember something important, I need to sing it to him.

Jay is an "old soul". He was born old. He has always been mature and reasonable. He didn't go through the ridiculous, rebellious teen issues most of us did. While the rest of us were acting like morons, Jay was working and being a responsible person. He is level-headed and extremely diplomatic. The perfect compliment to my sarcastic, say-anything personality.


Jay is an amazing caregiver. He can give shots, do dressing changes, manage wound care. He can walk at a sloth-like pace around nurses stations for hours on end. He can sleep on those hideous hospital room sofas and reach over to silence the IV alarm without opening his eyes. He knows his way around hospitals better than most of the employees. He can shave a Mohawk into your hair before it all falls out. He is a gate-keeper, knowing when to allow visitors and when I need rest. He is a chef, a housekeeper and a grocery shopper. He is a pharmacist and apothecary.

If I had all the time in the world, I couldn't tell you all the amazing things about Jay. The most important of all is his love. His love for his Savior, his love for his family and friends. His love for his wife that has never wavered. 

My Heart - I wish for you a day filled with only goodness, laughter and love.

All my Love,


  1. I enjoyed reading your love story of Jay! He truly is your gift from God! Hope he had a remarkably fun birthday! Love to both of you!

  2. What a wonderful wife you are to my son. When he was little I used to pat his little head and now you hold his hand. I raised in love a little boy and then gave you the man. I cannot take all the credit for who Jay is as I know Christ has been the center of his life. His dad would be so proud of him. Not only as his mother but also as his friend, I find him an amazing man.
