
Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path.
Psalm 37:34

Sunday, February 5, 2017

When I am Weak, He is Strong

...When I am weak, He is strong...

His strength is magnified through my weakness;
His love shines through my pain;
His joy is illuminated through my grief;
His peace radiates through my uncertainty

How? How is this even possible?
In the gut-wrenching middle of my pain and sorrow, His strength and glory shine? I certainly do not feel shiny in those moments. I feel lost, hopeless and often abandoned.
The golden glow of His presence often feels far away. 
Thankfully - His love, strength and presence are not contingent upon my feelings. In circumstances of sadness and pain, my feelings are not reliable. Feelings of despair and abandonment are actually lies the enemy uses to assure me that God has stepped away and left me to face the darkness and hopelessness on my own. Listening to those lies only ushers in fear, which blinds me to the real truth.
Regardless of what I feel, the truth is this...

* God will never leave me.
* God's love is everlasting.
* Nothing can separate me from God's love.
* God is aware of my circumstances and He cares a great deal.
* God hurts when I hurt.
* God records each of my sorrows and tears.
* God will send His golden glow of peace - often in unexpected ways.
* God's presence surrounds me - I only have to look past this work and into the heavenly realms.

Finding his truths and His peace are not reliant on my circumstances. Troubles here are momentary but my life with Him will be forever. His strength is the all sustaining force that will keep us focused on truth, not lies.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Mandy,

    I thank God every night for His choosing you as a channel of His peace. Through your writings you have touched my soul and I shall always remember this.

    God Bless you, Mandy.
