
Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path.
Psalm 37:34

Sunday, February 5, 2017

My Circumstances...His Truths

        Hearing and believing God's truths are not reliant on my circumstances.

This is the lesson He has recently been teaching me. Attempting to search for contentment anywhere outside of Him is useless. 

I recently entered a season of jealousy and discontentment. These feelings are unlike anything I've ever known - and I deeply dislike them.

I would see and hear people casually planning their days, weeks, even years - giving no thought as to whether or not they will see those plans fulfilled. I watched the lives of others from the sidelines and found myself overwhelmed with emotions. I viewed seemingly picture perfect lives and longed for a time when planning a life and a future were a real possibility. Planning our next travel adventure; building our dream cabin in the mountains; retirement options; growing old together and enjoying our lives long into our golden years. 

Now, we are simply attempting to capture as much life and living as possible in a very short amount of time and within a very limited space. The envy and discontent would rear their ugly heads when I viewed the lives of others through the lenses of my grief and sadness. Deep down, I understood that everyone has struggles and that no life is perfect.  Real life, daily life is usually messy and completely filter-free. It looks nothing like Facebook and Instagram photos. It's so easy to put all of the beautiful, filtered images out there for people to see. I am definitely guilty of this. The challenge is allowing others to see real life - the un-perfect, messy, beautiful lives that we all live. 

Once I opened my heart to God and honestly shared with Him, I realized that I was choosing to believe a Chrome-filtered lie. Ashamed, I stepped back. I had allowed my peace and contentment to become dependent not only on my circumstances, but on the outward surface of life. I realized that I was wasting precious time and energy - that's what the enemy wants. Waste all of the time I have left on things that take my heart far away from God. The more I focus on the outward surface, the harder it becomes to see the glory of God that surrounds me in so many ways. Looking beyond this life and into the next life - our REAL, TRUE life, is what will keep me connected to the heart of my Abba Father and only then will I understand and obtain true contentment and peace. 



  1. Blessings to you Mandy. You are in my prayers as you continue your journey home. I know that you are touching the lives of many people while you allow Jesus to use others to minister to you and your husband. I had an friend that I took care of during her final home going. It was such a blessing to be used by the Lord to help her. When people would come to visit her they left totally uplifted because she (like you) allowed Jesus to flow through her and out to those who needed to be ministered to. I know it sounds odd to be in a reverse role of comforter when one is going through a life transition; but the Lord uses us up to the point of welcoming us home.

    Your posts are a blessing to me because of your sharing how the Lord continues to refine and polish His precious jewel. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thank you for your sweet encouragement Dusty! Love & blessings to you ❤

  2. Love you Mandy. I pray you will have the spiritual and physical strength to keep the devil at bay. On those days when it is tough please call out to God and us your brothers and sisters for that extra boost of strength. Praying for you continually. DeAnna
